(Not) Buying a Modern Classic on a Budget
What is the though process behind (not) buying a modern classic on a budget…
2 responsesBoys will be Boys – Simola Hillclimb
4 Guys, an old car, a road, a hill and many horsepowers…
2 responsesClarence Drive is Calling
The Road is Calling – We Explore Clarence Drive on our Monthly Breakfast Run
End of the World as we know it – ICE vs Electric
Pump vs Plug – Amps vs Octane – Valves vs Volts
Human Nature – The Quest for Cheap Petrol
Everyone loves a good bargain, but is saving on cheap petrol worth the cost?
You can’t Beat a good Beater
Can an old beater be more fun than a Ferrari? Some solid evidence would suggest… Yes.
Porsche 944 Project – Part 2
Columnist and some-time Mechanic Craig Harper, updates his Aunty Jane on the Porsche 944 Project car. Did he find an engine for it?