Supercar and sportscar ownership are often confused for privilege. It is frowned on by some as a boastful indulgence. Just another way for someone to show off. This is probably one of the reasons that being a petrolhead has become so unpopular.

I see it differently. I mean, yes, obviously owning a supercar is an incredible thing. The driving feel, looks, and theatre of these cars is something almost all of us dream to experience. And therein comes my viewpoint on supercar ownership. I see it as a responsibility. By all means enjoy your car – after all you’ve worked hard for it. But I feel if you own, or have access to cars like these, you have a responsibility to share it with people. Especially kids who still get excited about cars. Especially kids who may not otherwise have the opportunity.

Reach for a Dream

you just made that kids day!

You see a kid at the side of the road getting jumpy about the sight of your car, give the throttle a little blip. Pull away that little bit faster than you would have. It costs you nothing – but trust me when I say, you just made that kids day! He’s going to be telling all his friends about it for the next week. That story will be his source of joy for days after you’ve already forgotten it happened.

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Luckily, I’m not the only one who feels like that. Some supercar owners, team up with amazing organisations like Reach for A Dream, to make a kid’s day in the most profound way. A week ago, I was privileged, not to own a supercar, but to witness the real power these cars have. Power that can’t be measured in horsepower.

6 years old and obsessed with cars

Reach for A Dream contacted Gilmour Collection and asked them to participate in making a little boy’s dream come true. Shane, who suffers a very serious liver condition, is 6 years old and obsessed with cars. One amazing supercar owner had offered a little bit of his time to take Shane for a spin in his Ferrari 458. Afterwards they would come to our showroom to have a look at some more cars. Shane would then stumble on his very own car – a bright blue ride-on Jeep to call his own!

I first met Shane when he arrived at the showroom door, having just been driven around in the 458. At that point, his smile was already stretching from ear to ear. When he saw the other cars in front of him, if it were at all possible, I think his smile would have stretched all the way around his head! Seeing such pure unbridled joy and excitement was absolutely intoxicating.

Prior to his arrival, I had a whole speech and tour of the cars worked out in my head. I never got to any of it. I was stunned into silence by this amazing kid just running around trying to soak up everything he saw. Shane was in seventh heaven – bouncing off the walls with excitement. And when we pulled back the covers on his very own Jeep, I genuinely thought he was going to explode.

Shane’s test drive

He simply couldn’t wait to get into that Jeep and take it for a spin. The Jeep was carried out of the showroom, across the road to a parking lot for Shane’s test drive. He didn’t wait for instructions or ceremony, he was foot to the floor, cruising around that car park like he’d been driving for years.

By the time Shane left, it was clear to anyone and everyone observing, that this kid was floating on a cloud. Amidst his illness and on top of all of life’s other harsh realities, Shane was simply immeasurably happy! His dream came true.

For us, it was nothing. A few minutes out of our day to set up, show him some cars and deliver his Jeep. For the owner of the supercar, likewise, it was just a nice excuse to get the car out for a nice morning drive. But, for Shane, this is a day he and his mom are going to be talking about to everyone they meet. I was absolutely blown away, by how our tiny, minimal efforts made such a huge difference to someone’s life, simply because of the cars we had access to and our willingness to share them.

Each dream day is completely customised

But, obviously, it’s not ALL minimal effort. Behind the scenes are the people from Reach For A Dream – the real heroes who arrange this kind of thing. They work tirelessly to brighten up the lives of kids who are having a hard time due to a serious illness. Each dream day is completely customised and tailored for each child. I genuinely cannot describe here, the look of joy and excitement on Shane’s face last week (hopefully the pictures will), thanks to the work done by Reach For A Dream.

Seeing a dream day like this first hand puts things into perspective really quickly. We get so complacent, taking our health for granted. Even taking for granted the fact that most of us have pretty cool toys in the garage. And seeing how easily, we could all be making such a huge difference in a sick child’s life, kind of makes me feel like we should.

A huge thanks to Heidi Rowley and her team from Reach For A Dream, for giving us the honour of hosting Shane on his dream day, and for all the incredible work you guys do every day. A huge thank you to our supercar owner for coming out and making Shane’s day. And to everyone else who contribute to Reach For A Dream’s efforts.

If you would like to get involved, volunteer or donate to the work that Reach For A Dream does, please visit their website at or contact Heidi, in their Cape Town office directly at

reach for a dream

All photographs courtesy of Reach For a Dream

One thought on “Minimum Effort – Maximum Reward

  1. Jim says:

    I’ve been privileged to assist Reach for a Dream in the past. A humbling experience, can 100% recommend.

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