The Spring Rally, is not your stereotypical Supercar Rally

Stereotypes and generalisations are very much frowned on these days. Don’t worry, Carbs and Coffee is not turning into another mouthpiece for the politically correct. It’s just that in some cases stereotypes tend to lean towards the negative. That’s just human nature. Read online customer reviews for just about anything and you’ll find that most are negative. Ask people to think about the stereotypical supercar owner and their response will most likely be negative. Self-absorbed, arrogant and “Napoleon complex” are words that probably come up a lot. The general perception is that to own a supercar, you must be some kind of rich a-hole, or other unmentionable body part.

In my experience, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, those arrogant guys do exist, and sadly they are the ones that stick out in people’s minds. Thanks to these guys, a lot of supercar rallies are usually, best avoided.
Spring Rally is different though
The Spring Rally is different though. Created out of generosity and compassion for possibly the most vulnerable. Such is the selflessness of the Spring Rally, the organiser remains anonymous. The aim of the rally isn’t showing off and driving flashy cars, it is to raise money for an extremely worthy cause.
The National Adoption Coalition of South Africa estimated that in 2010, 3500 babies were abandoned unsafely. The survival rate of abandoned infants is less than 50%, the majority of cases go unreported. Although infant abandonment is a crime, these cases are very rarely investigated. Prosecutions are almost unheard of. For the babies that do survive, the struggle is only starting. Foster care and adoption processes in South Africa are not the smoothest road to travel.

Apart from being a great way to dispatch a couple of hundred kilometres with like-minded petrol-heads, the Spring Rally, this year, raised over two hundred thousand Rands for Hannah’s Place of Safety.
I can only imagine how difficult this work must be
Hannah’s Place of Safety cares for children assigned to them by the Department of Social Development ranging in age from new-born to 1 year old. Children suffering from neglect, abuse of all types, malnutrition, illness and even drug withdrawal. As the proud father of a beautiful and perfectly healthy 2-year-old, I can only imagine how difficult this work must be.
Over the course of the Spring Rally weekend, drivers and their passengers enjoy good food, good company and a lovely overnight stay at one of the sponsors. There is a raffle with tonnes of amazing sponsors and prizes. Prizes ranged from overnight stays at game lodges, to wine, beauty treatments, appliances and wall art. Then came the heart wrenching stories.

Stories like that of a baby girl who was abandoned by her mother shortly after birth at the hospital. She needed surgery and then needed to spend several weeks in traction. There she was looked at with kindness by one of the doctors who then did his best to help find her a home through social workers assigned to her case. She went on to live an extraordinary life with her new family. Studied law. Became a lawyer, and eventually an acting High Court Judge. None of which would have been possible without the dedication of good people and organisations like Hannah’s Place of Safety.
Spring Rally itself draws an incredible collection of cars

The Spring Rally itself draws an incredible collection of cars and is best described as a petrolhead’s absolute dream. Everything from the latest pasta-rockets, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati have to offer. All the way to the polar opposite with great big tanks like the Mercedes AMG G-Wagon. Classic Sportscars from Porsche, Mazda, Jaguar and Aston Martin even American Landyachts like a late-50’s Cadillac. All tastes are catered for.
The route starts off in Paarl, works in a private tour of the Franschhoek Motor Museum and a police escort through Franschhoek itself. Stunning scenery, incredible roads lunch at Stettyn Wine Estate. The itinerary reads like a wish list of places to visit in the Winelands and roads you have to drive before you die.
When all is said and done, over 200 grand is donated to an extremely worthy cause. Children who had almost no chance of survival will be given a chance at a life, thanks to the work supported by the Spring Rally. Just more proof that when petrolheads come together, great things happen.

Thank you Spring Rally
Personally, and as Carbs and Coffee, I would like to thank the anonymous masters behind this event. The sponsors for their support, and of course, the incredibly generous group of car guys and girls that attended. Finally, but far from least, we should all thank Hanna’s Place of Safety for the incredibly difficult, yet rewarding work they do every day. All of you collectively make a massive difference to the most vulnerable individuals in South Africa.
Please visit Hannah’s Place of Safety on the web for more info on the work they do, or to donate.
All Photographs in this article were supplied by Redaa. You can visit his Instagram Page for more of his Photography